BLADE – Truck Mounted Attenuator (MASH)

Introducing the BLADE-Truck Mounted Attenuator (MASH), the premier Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) and the new leader in road safety technology. This long-awaited innovation has been rigorously full-scale crash tested according to the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), which supersedes the 20-year-old NCHRP-350 standards. Proudly tested in the USA, the BLADE-TMA is the first and only TMA with all crash test videos publicly available, showcasing its performance in 39 different crash tests.


  • EMC compliant
  • Galvanized steel structure
  • UK optional 110K test TD49/07 crash tested
  • Hydraulics and electronics mounted in a closed box


  • Full-scale crash tested and approved according to MASH 2016 TL-3 (3-50, 3-51, 3-52, 3-53)
  • Full-scale crash tested and approved according to the UK optional 110K test TD49/07
  • Equipped with a 175 Amps plug to power the entire machine from the vehicle (12Vdc or 24Vdc)
  • Aluminum crash cushion can be painted in any desired RAL color(s)
  • Delivered with test certifications and CE marking
  • EMC compliant
  • Under-ride protection standard on the steel framework
  • Amazing test results! Ask our specialists for further details!

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